Search Blündergrad


blün·der·grad  | ˈbloŏndərˌgrad |

an individual (esp. a young person) who moves clumsily through an intellectual and/or academic malaise.

ETYMOLOGY: blunder (ORIGIN Middle English : probably of Scandinavian origin and related to blind) + grad (ORIGIN late Middle English : from medieval Latin graduat- ‘graduated,’ from graduare ‘take a degree,’ from Latin gradus ‘degree, step.’)

Max Segal
 Bard College Graduate and Co-Creator of Blü

Max Segal is a recent graduate of Bard College in Annandale-on-Hudson, New York, with a B.A. in Political Studies, and the co-creator, with Michael LaChance, of Blü A long-suffering fan of the Washington Wizards, Mr. Segal was born in Washington, D.C. and raised in Silver Spring, Maryland. He has worked as an intern at the Jewish Peace Lobby, the Institute for Local Self-Reliance, and the International Crisis Group.

Michael LaChance
 Bard College Student and Co-Creator of Blü

Michael LaChance is an undergraduate Film major at Bard College in Annandale-on-Hudson, New York, and the co-creator, with Max Segal, of Blü Mr. LaChance is a down-to-earth, regular joe who likes to have a good time. He is way into good vibes and positive energy, good tunes, and a beer or two with his good friends.





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